Train. Cheesy Poofs. 25 Cheesy Poofs. In one minute. In one mouth. And the wager of a free drink. Choking. Success!
Varese. Speaking Italian mixed with Portuguese. Tea time. English Lesson. Fiat 500L. Bar. Drinking. Pizza. Park frolic. Inspiration. Writing. Red Tulips.
Late to Bed. Early to Rise. Cliche Italian Behavior. Seemingly organized. Taking time. Relaxing. Collecting Passengers. Leaving 2 hours later than Scheduled. Denial of GPS. Maps Instead. Denial of Freeway. Small "scenic" roads instead. With no approval from the back seat 3. Front seats: 3 extra hours of fun driving and sight seeing with no recollection of destination. Back seats: 3 extra hours of just wanting to arrive at destination, headaches, stomach aches, 5 million curves, no space. Saudades. Allergies. Runny nose, itchy eyes. God damned Allergies.
Wine tasting. Wine. Wine. Wine. 10 Euros = Neck bag with Wine Glass. Free Wine all the Time. Excursions to the sea. Purple Tulips. Missing Friend. Also missing was any coherent memory of the rest of the night. Terrible biker-like Italian singer singing American Pop Hits. Terrible bearded Italian singer replacing most words of American Pop Hits with the word "Wine". Terrible pony-tailed Italian singer throwing red wine onto crowd. Poor Marta's wine stained clothes. Mornin'. Beach. Foccaccia breakfast. Wine. Little town. Couples. Kids. Kids. Couples. Cute puppy. Car. Singing. Parma. Alleriges. Quick tour. Home. Forro. Anticipation. Moments of Intensity. Stolen Boat. My 3rd Eye. Smiles. Bliss. Felicidade. Sleeeeeep. Ate ja.
Posso escrever só em português?
Adorei! Adorei o fim-de-semana e adorei o vídeo que retrata um bocadinho dos nossos dias. Faltam as conversas, a amizade que cresce. É bom sentir que és um verdadeiro amigo:) E que sou sortuda por poder conviver com a especialidade que tens sempre contigo.
tvb :) *
I feel obliged to comment on this blog for three reasons:
1) you called me out on my lack of active blog participation
2)you have bribed me to comment on this blog
3)I did indeed enjoy it and feel the need to express this too you.
I am going to start out by disagreeing with Nicolo in the video, when he states that you look like an idiot in those glasses. In my opinion those glasses blasted you up the cool spectrum, i would feel honored to be seen with you wearing them. I do however agree with your other friend when he says that really really good wine is good, wise words.
cheers. smiles. swagger. fluid language. water. Spring. Innocents. exploration. imagination. pleasure. music. nature. company. desire. indulgence. shifting. cradling. fun. epic. motion.
This blog got me very excited about our summer adventures. I am going to have to find a pair of matching sunglasses so I can beam up to your awesomeness.
I take with me your good spirits and send to you my love.
Aren't Italians annoying?
Wine. pasta. cheese. bread. cured meats. bad liquor. the pope. Berlusconi. Katholics.
AKA I wish I was there right now.
And the glasses are over the top only because you were wearing them at night at a wine festival.
The glasses would've been okay if you were going clubbing afterward, then you would just be the Douche bag at the night club who decided to wear some cheap 80s vintage sunglasses.
I've seen the video at least 10 times already! :)
Aaron dont be jealous that you cant pull them off..
awesome glasses indeed.
and you rock them hard.
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